Friday, December 28, 2007

Three day weekend

Went back to work for two days, and have three off! Pretty great, huh? My house is a mess, since I have not been able to do much, our bedroom has seen better days. There are clean clothes piled everywhere. We need to start doing so much better! Every year I quietly say to myself (I never reveal my resolutions for fear someone will actually hold me to them ;)) that housework will be a daily priority. And really at the end of this year I really started doing that--I started paying someone to clean my house every two weeks. Now, let me just say that she is great--very reasonable--I have not had to clean any toliets since she started. But, we still cannot seem to keep this house clean. Could it possibly be because I have two children who drag everything they own all over the house just for kicks? Maybe. Hunter helps out so much, truth be told, probably has done more than me lately. But I get so tired of picking up and two minutes later the cyclone hits again.

And laundry--don't even ask. I do realize that it needs to be done daily with four people living here. It just doesn't seem to happen that way. If you have any suggestions--please feel free to comment!

Guess what I will be doing for my three day weekend? Such is life!

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