Saturday, January 12, 2008


Relief is what I feel. I went for my biopsy on Wednesday and the Dr. could not find the pea-sized knot that the radiologist had found. Unfortunetly, I did not have my films with me (my mom had kept them, luckily, even though they had told me I could throw them out) so, mom ran them back down there on Thursday. The Dr. looked at them and decided that she had seen that, but was too unsure to do the biopsy that day. So, I got rescheduled for Friday afternoon. Let me say that even though it was a very tiny needle, and believe it or not, that was not the bad part. She kind of froze the area before she did anything. I felt a tiny little prick, but nothing bad. I was doing ok, thinking, oh this is not so bad. But then she starts pumping the needle with something to get the fluid out and well, I just about lost it. I had to close my eyes and go to my "happy place". It didn't take too long, it did hurt a little after because she hit a muscle, but I haven't brusied or anything. It still is a little tender.

Anyway---it is a GOITER. Not cancer. I admit that I was a little worried. I tried really hard to not think about it. But it is a relief to know that it is o.k. She referred to our area as the "goiter belt" and to tell all the females in my family that it is heriditary. Good news.

In other news, poor little Madison had her dental surgery yesterday. Not really surgery, so to speak, but she had to be sedated and we had to go to the outpatient surgery center for her dental work. She slept most of the day, but she is back to herself today, and $1557.00 later (which I had to write a check for yesterday--I about died, was not expecting it, and had to say--please don't cash this now) she has a mouth full on no-cavity teeth. Three caps--not really visible, thank goodness.

So, that is our excitement for this week.

We have not been to Sunday School in so long, we are trying really hard to make that happen tommorrow. Have a good weekend.

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